第七届网络社会年会主会场|[旧金山论坛] 人民的技术


时间(GMT+8:00):2022年11月20日 8:00-11:30
线上会场:ZOOM参会(原声道,设有中英传译):845 2389 7496|B站直播(中文声道)|Youtube直播(英文声道)

组织者:Hannah Shen, Homin Luo, 刘怿斯


与会嘉宾:徐容 & Natalia Rivera、Garry Brents、Livid(刘昕)、Mai Ishikawa Sutton、Brewster Kahle

主办:中国美术学院 跨媒体艺术学院 网络社会研究所

直播场地支持:Internet Archive




技术的发展与相应的文化传播与社群建立都是密不可分的,尤其是与人(Peer)直接相关的技术,例如 Bittorrent 就是其中一位佼佼者,自 2001 年诞生到来至今,Bittorrent 吸引了全球万千开发者和社区成员,共同开发并维护基于 Bittorrent 协议的工具与应用程序,以 P2P 的方式促进数据的分享与协同,并在许多商业场景下获得了巨大成功。

类似的例子还有很多,以开发者为主的自由软件运动(Free Software Movement)也好,还是以记者为主的 Indymedia 也好,或是以隐私与安全至上而诞生的比特币与之拉开的加密货币(Cryptocurrency)运动也好,都拥有一个共性:我们并不依赖某一个具体的工具或应用程序,而是依赖于某一个协议或思想背后的文化与社群基础,来达成使命。



忘掉所谓的 Web2 与 Web3 之争吧,我们在乎的是隐私条款是否能够真的保护隐私,是个人数据是否能够重回用户自己的掌控之中,而不是想要推翻谁,或是建立起某些新的高楼大厦,因为我们知道,摩天大楼里,住的从来都不是我们自己。



徐容 & Natalia Rivera


Natalia Rivera,哥伦比亚新媒体艺术家,目前正在探索数位技术作为互助跨生命主体的可能性。在不确定性/酷儿知识创造的背景下,通过波哥大的「Mutante实验室」和「Suratómica 全球创作网络-艺术和科学」,他们的过程是非学科性的、开放的、集体的、协作的和社群的。

她们两位合作的作品《Bi0film.net》获得 2022 林茲电子艺术节「互动艺术类」金尼卡最大奖(Golden Nica)。

讲题:Bi0film.net:Resist like Bacteria

Garry Brents

盖瑞.布伦特1987年生于加州,现居美国得克萨斯州,是众多黑金属音乐计划(Cara Nair/Gonemage/Homeskin等)的主脑,也是目前黑金属音乐社群中anti-NSBM(即“反-法西斯主义黑金属”)浪潮中的积极成员。在他的个人计划Gonemage和双人乐队Cara Neir中,Garry Brants将芯片音乐与黑金属音乐疯狂地融合在一起,并在录制中使用老旧的游戏设备,制造出混沌又梦幻的声景。

讲题:On Chiptune and Blackmetal:Retro Sound, Convergence, Retro-Fi, Alternate Timeline of Music


Website: https://lilangisla.bandcamp.com/




如何拥有一个完全属于自己的 Cyberspace?


互联网是传播想法最快的途径。那我们要如何才能够在互联网上拥有一个自己完全控制的赛博空间?让我们来探讨所有的可能性,从最早的 FTP 个人网站,到各种云服务,再到基于 P2P 的分布式网站。


Mai Ishikawa Sutton

Mai Ishikawa Sutton是一位组织者、促进者、编辑和作家,她是关于数字公地的在线杂志COMPOST的联合创始人和编辑,也是Commons Network的数字共享研究员。

她的工作位于技术和团结经济(solidarity economy)的交叉点;自2019年春季以来,她一直参与互联网档案馆(Internet Archive)的工作,围绕去中心化网络(DWeb)组织对话、资源和活动的工作,她也是DWeb原则的原始管理人之一。


脑和心:将信任、关心和游戏带入点对点网络(Head and the Heart: Embedding Trust, Care, and Play into the Peer-to-Peer Web)


本讲座将在旨在通过使用数字网络技术改善世界的运动背景下,讨论非中心化网络原则(https://getdweb.net/principles)。为了建立以正义和公平为中心的持久组织,我们必须注意什么?互相信任和尊重的文化是如何成为这项工作的必要前提的?我们可以从其他运动(如自由软件、获取知识和平台合作)的成功或失败中吸取什么教训,以创建有意义的负责任的、有弹性的和分散的组织?Mai Ishikawa Sutton将从他们作为组织者和作家在自由、开放和公平的技术和文化方面的10多年经验中发言。


Brewster Kahle

Brewster Kahle是美国数字图书馆员、电脑工程师和咨询科技企业家,是Alexa Internet和网际网络档案馆的创始人。2012年入选网际网络名人堂,此外也是美国文理科学院院士、美国国家工程院成员、电子前沿基金会(EFF)、公共知识、网络记忆基金会等组织的董事会成员。


2022年11月20日(周日)08:00-11:30 AM




08:00 - 08:05



08:05 - 08:15

网际网络档案馆(Internet Archive)现场导览


08:15 - 08:45

主题演讲 1

徐容 & Natalia Rivera:Bi0film.net:Resist like Bacteria

08:50 - 09:20

主题演讲 2

Garry Brents:On Chiptune and Blackmetal:Retro Sound, Convergence, Retro-Fi, Alternate Timeline of Music

09:25 - 09:55

主题演讲 3

刘昕:如何拥有一个完全属于自己的 Cyberspace?

10:00 - 10:30

主题演讲 4

Mai Ishikawa Sutton:脑和心:将信任、关心和游戏带入点对点网络(Head and the Heart: Embedding Trust, Care, and Play into the Peer-to-Peer Web)

10:35 - 11:05

主题演讲 5

Brewster Kahle

11:05 - 11:30



Hannah Shen

Hannah Shen在Mask Network和Next.ID领导全球增长。此前,她作为早期成员,将两家顶级风险投资支持的初创公司从0发展到1。她被选为2022年的G20中国青年代表。Hannah毕业于哈佛大学,并在麻省理工学院斯隆商学院攻读MBA学位,专注于创业和分析。

Homin Luo

Homin Luo是Next.ID/Mask Network的产品主管和开发者倡导者,也是PulzAid的联合创始人。他毕业于加州大学伯克利分校计算机科学系,之前主要研究自然语言处理和计算机视觉。他现在专注于去中心化网络和自我托管的p2p网络主题以及Web3的安全、基础设施和教育。


刘怿斯是Dimension.im公司的技术长,Dweb Shanghai发起人,中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院网络社会研究所研究员。他本科和研究生就读于UIUC计算机科学系,主要的研究方向是机器学习与自然语言处理。他关心网络与人类生活之间相互的影响,现在正致力于以应用密码学为基础,帮助互联网用户重新获得个人数据的所有权。


Internet Archive


第七届网络社会年会 2022年11月20日-28日



TIME(GMT-8:00):16:00-19:30, NOV. 19, 2022

ZOOM:845 2389 7496

Organizers:Hannah Shen, Homin Luo, Yisi Liu

Moderator:Yisi Liu

Panelists:Jung Hsu & Natalia Rivera、Garry Brents、 Livid、Mai Ishikawa Sutton、Brewster Kahle

HOST:The Institute of Network Society, School of Intermedia Art, China Academy of Art


To interact during the conference, Scan the QR code or visit 
🔗 https://app.sli.do/event/qHkQJnqsEMpurkyd1pWpNp
,and leave your comments.


The development of technology is intertwined with cultural transmission and community building, especially when it comes to technologies directly related to people (Peer). One such outstanding example is Bittorrent. Established in 2001, Bittorrent has attracted thousands of developers and community members worldwide to develop and maintain tools and applications based on the Bittorrent protocol, which facilitates data sharing and collaboration in a P2P manner, and has enjoyed tremendous success in business.

There are many similar examples. Whether it’s the developer-based Free Software Movement, the journalist-based Indymedia, or the Cryptocurrency movement, which was born out of Bitcoin’s supremacy of privacy and security, there is one thing in common: we don’t rely on a specific tool or application, but rather on the cultural and community basis behind a protocol or idea to achieve goals.

Those engaged in the aforementioned movements believe that the power of one single person is too weak to get things done. Only by making our cries heard can we truly awaken more people, because what we have faith in, is the power of people.

Over the last 20 years, San Francisco has seen the most intense development of technological innovation in the world, and we are pleased to welcome six different speakers from different countries or regions, with different backgrounds and occupations. But they all share the same vision - using people’s technology to help themselves.

Just forget about the bickering between Web2 and Web3! What we truly care about is whether privacy provisions can protect privacy, and whether users can reclaim their personal data. It’s not about overthrowing anyone or building some new skyscraper, because we know exactly, we are never the ones living in the skyscraper.

Now let’s stay tuned for the voice from San Francisco, where hippies and personal computers were born.


Jung Hsu & Natalia Rivera

Jung Hsu, researcher and new media artist based in Berlin. She attempts to combine interdisciplinary knowledge with artistic research to create heterogeneous encounters. In her process, she responds to the current social situation with multiple perspectives and uses metaphorical objects to create a speculative scenario. Her recent work has focused on micro-biopolitics and crypto-guilt.

Natalia Rivera, artist of emergent-media currently exploring the possibilities of digital technologies as inter living-entities mutual aid media. In the context of indeterminate/queer knowledge creation, their processes are indisciplinary, open, collective, collaborative and communitarian, through the Mutante laboratory (Bogotá) and the global Suratómica Network for creation – art and science.

Their collaboration ‘Bi0film.net’ won the Golden Nica Award in the ‘Interactive Art’ category at the 2022 Linz Festival of Electronic Arts.

Topic:Bi0film.net:Resist like Bacteria

Garry Brents

Garry Brents was born in California in 1987 and now lives in Texas, USA. He is the mastermind of numerous black metal projects (Cara Nair/Gonemage/Homeskin, etc.) and is an active member of the current anti-NSBM (“anti-National Socialist black metal”) wave of the black metal community. In his solo project Gonemage and the duo Cara Neir, Garry Brants fuses chip music with black metal in a frenzied way and uses old gaming equipment in his recordings to create chaotic yet dreamy soundscapes.


On Chiptune and Blackmetal:Retro Sound, Convergence, Retro-Fi, Alternate Timeline of Music

personal works:https://lilangisla.bandcamp.com/

Website: https://lilangisla.bandcamp.com/


Xin Liu (Livid) is a designer and programmer, and the creator of V2EX.com, a community of creative workers. V2EX is an online community of start-ups, designers, developers and creative people, and the goal of this community is to create a great place to discuss technical details - why and how people build other things.


How to have a Cyberspace all to yourself?(如何拥有一个完全属于自己的 Cyberspace?)


The Internet is the fastest way to spread ideas. So how do we get a Cyberspace on the Internet that we can control completely? Let's explore all the possibilities, from the first FTP personal sites, to various cloud services, to P2P based distributed sites.

website: https://livid.v2ex.com/portfolio.html

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Livid

Recent Podcast: https://www.xiaoyuzhoufm.com/episode/626ba660bf39836fd02b78e9


Mai Ishikawa Sutton

Mai Ishikawa Sutton is an organizer, facilitator, editor, and writer who is the co-founder and editor of COMPOST, an online magazine about the digital commons, and a Digital Commons Fellow at Commons Network.

Her work sits at the intersection of technology and solidarity economy; since spring 2019, she has been involved with the Internet Archive’s work on organizing conversations, resources, and events around the Decentralized Web (DWeb), and she is one of the original stewards of the DWeb principles.

Head and the Heart: Embedding Trust, Care, and Play into the Peer-to-Peer Web

This talk will discuss the Decentralized Web Principles (https://getdweb.net/principles) within the context of movements that aim to better the world through the use of digital network technologies. What must we pay attention to in order to build lasting organizations that center justice and equity? How is a culture of mutual trust and respect a necessary precursor to this work? What lessons can we learn from the successes or failures of other movements (such as free software, access to knowledge, and platform co-ops) in order to create organizations that are meaningfully accountable, resilient, and distributed? Mai Ishikawa Sutton will speak from their 10+ years of experience as an organizer and writer working on technology and culture that is free, open, and equitable.

website: https://maisutton.net/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/maira

Recent Interview: https://logicmag.io/distribution/from-the-bottom-to-the-top-mai-ishikawa-sutton-on-the-decentralized-web/

Brewster Kahle

Brewster Lurton Kahle born October 21, 1960, is an American digital librarian, a computer engineer, Internet entrepreneur, and advocate of universal access to all knowledge. Kahle founded the Internet Archive and Alexa Internet. In 2012, he was inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame.


2022/11/19/ Sat. 16:00-17:30



16:00 - 16:05


Huang Sun-quan

16:05 - 16:15

Introduction and Archive tour

Yisi Liu

16:15 - 16:45


Jung Hsu & Natalia Rivera:Bi0film.net:Resist like Bacteria

16:50 - 17:20


Garry Brents:On Chiptune and Blackmetal:Retro Sound, Convergence, Retro-Fi, Alternate Timeline of Music

17:25 - 17:55


Livid:How to have a Cyberspace all to yourself?

18:00 - 18:30


Mai Ishikawa Sutton:Head and the Heart: Embedding Trust, Care, and Play into the Peer-to-Peer Web

18:35 - 19:05


Brewster Kahle

11:05 - 11:30

Roundtable Discussion


Hannah Shen

Hannah Shen leads global growth at Mask Network and Next.ID. Prior to that, she grew two top-venture-backed startups from zero to one as as an early member. She was selected as the G20 Youth Delegate of China in 2022. Hannah graduated from Harvard with a degree in Government and is at MIT Sloan for her MBA degree focusing on entrepreneurship and analytics.

Homin Luo

Homin Luo is the Head of Product and Developer Advocate of Next.ID/Mask Network and the Cofounder of PulzAid. A UC Berkeley Computer science graduate, he previously focused on Natural language processing and computer vision. He is now focusing on the Decentralized Web and self hosted p2p network topic and the Web3 security, infrastructure and education.

Yisi Liu

Yisi Liu is CTO of Dimension.im, the initiator of Dweb Shanghai, and a researcher at the Institute of Network Society, SIMA, CAA. He studied in the Department of Computer Science at UIUC as an undergraduate and graduate student, and his main research interests are in machine learning and natural language processing. He is concerned with the interplay between the web and human life, and is now working on applied cryptography as a basis to help internet users regain ownership of their personal data.



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